The Importance of Backing Up A Website and How to Do It


Website threats are real. Backing up a website can help safeguard against these threats. It is necessary that you save website files as well as your online databases. If you know the vitality of a backup, you will be more encouraged to have a regular backup schedule in place.

Read on to find out some reasons why to back up a website.

Avoiding Website Hackers

Nowadays, hackers have become rather prominent on the web.

Why Do Hackers Hack Websites?

  • The aim of some hacker may be to try and steal someone’s credit card numbers along with other sensitive information
  • But usually people hack a website simply to prove themselves or to develop trouble

If a website is online, there are always chances that this may get compromised. Making certain that the site is secure and also backed up is a way to keep the site protected from getting hacked.

Stay Away From Computer Catastrophes

It is a good idea to store a copy of the files that you have on your computer, but if the machine crashed, got lost, damaged, etc, the files will also be gone with this.

It is better to back up the files remotely if something were to happen to the computer. This is the more practical solution.

Your Updates Gone Wrong

When it comes to regular updates, this refers to updated features as well as increased security. These will not always occur as planned. Therefore, WordPress always informs you to carry out a backup before updating.

A website has different components such as plugins, themes, software, plus back-end programming. If an awry update occurs to any of these, this can take a complete website offline and for some unforeseen time also.

Impact Of Malware and Viruses

It is possible for viruses, trojan horses, along with other malware to find their way within your website via different avenues, also through third party sites which are usually safe. There are some ways that these can come and annoy you.  

  • These can be downloaded unknowingly with some theme and plugin.
  • They may even slip in via a crack within your firewall’s armor.

If you have backup files, you can be prepared in case the site begins to act in a strange way.

Human Error Happens

Human beings make mistakes. It is better to have precautions in place so that any mistake can be minimized. There is a possibility that some employees may click the wrong button or even delete an important file by accident. If you backup files, there is less chance a human error will threaten your operations.

Limit The Damage

Imagine logging onto the website you have and seeing an unfamiliar error page. Even though you continue trying, the main page still seems to not come up. One may get tense that there is something wrong.

If your site tends to be backed up as well as secure, this can bring relief when a situation like this pops up. That is why backing up a site can allow you to be stress-free concerning the worry about losing the site data.

wordpress backup

Now Let Us Look at How to Backup a Website.

Ways To Backup a Website

You may be convinced now that backing up the website is the correct thing to do. A few ways are present concerning how to do this. Read on to find out how to back up the website so as to restore it if data loss occurs.

  1. See if the web host gives website backups like a service.
  2. If someone designed your website, you can contact them and ask them if they can do this for you. They should actually have sufficient knowledge of the ways that content management systems function allowing them to pursue a manual backup for the files that you have.
  3. Employ an extra “just in case” type of backup service. There are services like these that are present. You can find these by carrying out some research. There are some that are more cost effective in comparison to others, whilst others have software which is more or even less user-friendly.
  4. You can install a helpful backup plugin upon your site. There are some backup plugins that let you schedule automatic backups, and also send the files that you have to cloud storage services such as Dropbox.
  5. For those who have smaller websites, they may just select to compress the files within a ZIP folder then email these to themselves. This works better for small websites. Therefore if your files size is bigger in comparison to how much the email provider allows one to send, or whether you think that the size of the site will expand, you may want to consider another backup choice.
  6. You may want to save a copy consisting of your files on the computer. Nevertheless you should do this with some other backup services or procedures. If you have two or above copies of the files, this is not a bad idea. It is better to be safe.

Backup Your Site Regularly

Backing up a site is not very time consuming and it does not need much cash to pursue. It is a good investment if you think about the threats which are present online. If you have not got a backup of your website, you should do this so as to avoid being a tense business-owner that must constantly restart their website from the beginning. You can consider the above website backups steps if you want peace of mind when it comes to your website files.

You can tell from the above explanation that it is important to back up your website properly if you do not want to be faced with an extra hurdle when you lose your data. You may have seen news about some high profile website crash and if you want to avoid this then take out the time to back up your website.

Or, do it the EASY way.

Let Guard Wasp manage your WordPress security and backups for you.